SINGAPUR AVALÚOS. It is a Mexican company specialized in the real estate sector. Made up of professionals dedicated to Civil Engineering Projects, Investment Projects, Appraisals, Real Estate and Construction.

Our work culture:

It is based on absolute trust and teamwork. At SINGAPUR AVALÚOS there are no surprise clauses, we work with the information provided by the client, we are clear and transparent with our team.


Appraisals are specialized evaluations that determine the economic value of a real estate or civil engineering project. These valuations are essential for making informed decisions in real estate transactions, financing, and project development.

Our appraisal services are designed to provide our clients with a comprehensive and detailed evaluation, backed by the experience of our team of valuation professionals.

Real Estate Appraisals

It consists of estimating the economic value of a real estate property at a certain time. This process is carried out by professionals called "appraisers" or "appraisal experts" and is carried out through the application of specific methods and techniques.

Appraisal processes and techniques:

The appraiser collects detailed information about the property, including data on its location, land size, construction, space distribution, special features, etc.

An analysis of the local real estate market is carried out to understand trends and compare the property with other similar properties that have recently sold. This approach is known as: "the market approach."

The replacement cost of the property is evaluated, considering the value of the land and construction costs. This approach is useful for new properties or those with unique characteristics.

For investment properties, such as commercial or residential buildings intended for rental, the income approach is used. Potential income and associated expenses are evaluated to calculate the net present value of the property.

In addition to the physical aspects of the property, the appraiser also takes into account external factors that may affect its value, such as the economic situation, local regulations, and any other circumstances that may influence the real estate market.

The appraiser prepares a detailed report that documents the methods used, the data analyzed and the conclusions reached. This report is valuable to interested parties such as owners, buyers, financial institutions, etc.

Agricultural Appraisals

An agricultural appraisal is a process through which the economic value of an asset related to agricultural or livestock activities is determined.
This type of appraisal is carried out by professionals specialized in the valuation of agricultural assets and can cover a variety of properties and assets associated with agricultural production.

Appraisal processes and techniques:

The first step is to gather detailed information about the property in question. This may include the location, size of the land, soil characteristics, type of crops or livestock activities carried out, existing buildings (such as barns, stables, etc.), and any other relevant aspect.

Soil type and quality are critical factors in a livestock appraisal. The appraiser evaluates the soil's capacity to support specific crops, the presence of nutrients and any limitations that may affect agricultural production.

The value of the crops present on the property is evaluated and, in the case of livestock activities, the value of the animals is considered. This may involve estimating expected returns, market prices and other relevant factors.

Any existing infrastructure on the property is valued, such as buildings, fences, irrigation systems, etc.
Improvements to the property can significantly influence its value.

Similar to the real estate appraisal, an analysis of the local and regional agricultural market is carried out. Prices of agricultural products, market trends, and any external factors that may affect the value of the property are taken into account.

The expert also reviews legal and regulatory aspects that may influence the value of the property, such as land use restrictions, environmental regulations, etc.

As in other types of appraisals, a detailed report is prepared that documents the methods used, the data analyzed, and the conclusions reached. This report is valuable to owners, investors, financial institutions or other interested parties.

Machinery and Equipment Appraisals

A machinery and equipment appraisal is a process by which the economic value of assets such as industrial machinery, manufacturing equipment, specialized vehicles, tools, and other similar assets is determined. This type of appraisal is carried out by professionals specialized in the valuation of assets of this type.

Appraisal processes and techniques:

The first step involves collecting detailed information about the machinery and equipment to be valued. This includes data such as the make, model, year of manufacture, condition, hours of operation, production capacity, and any special characteristics.

A market analysis is performed to evaluate current conditions and trends in the specific industry to which the machines and equipment belong. This involves considering factors such as supply and demand, available technology, and asset obsolescence.

The replacement cost of machinery and equipment is evaluated, considering factors such as the market value of similar equipment, the cost of acquiring new equipment and accumulated depreciation.

The state of repair and maintenance history of machinery and equipment are critical aspects in the assessment. The physical and operational conditions of the assets directly impact their value.

The residual value of machinery and equipment is evaluated, that is, the estimated value at the end of its useful life. This can influence depreciation and therefore the current value of the assets.

External factors that may affect the value of machinery and equipment are taken into account, such as changes in industrial regulations, technological advances, or changes in market demand.

The result of this process is presented in a detailed report that documents the methods used, the data analyzed and the conclusions reached. This report is valuable to owners, buyers, financial institutions or other interested parties.

A machinery and equipment appraisal is essential for making informed decisions about the purchase, sale, financing or insurance of these assets, providing an objective and informed estimate of their value in the current market.


An investment project is a business plan that requires an injection of monetary or human capital to get started and which is expected to generate profits within a certain period of time.

Real estate executive projects are detailed documents that contain plans, specifications and technical details necessary for the construction and development of a property. These projects serve as a guide for construction teams, ensuring accurate execution of the project vision and compliance with specific regulations and standards.

An architectural project is the set of plans and specifications, schemes, details and perspectives that serve to carry out the construction of any building, which contains the distribution of all the spaces of a building, as well as the finishes that make it up. These plans include the technical data of the structural design and foundation of the future construction.

It is a document that expresses the conditions of the structure of a building, its elements, materials that make it up and the risks that may exist due to its deterioration or current characteristics and is the result of a set of inspection strategies, through tests that do not compromise the condition of the building. 

An industrial warehouse is a building for industrial use that houses the production and/or stores industrial goods, along with the workers, the machines that generate them, internal transportation, the exit and entry of goods, etc.

These projects include the creation of drainage networks to prevent flooding, as well as the implementation of sewage systems for the collection and adequate treatment of wastewater, thus contributing to the sustainable management of water in a specific community or area.

These projects include planning pipeline networks, pumping stations and other components to ensure an efficient and safe supply of drinking water to specific communities or areas.

Initiatives that plan and execute the construction or improvement of road surfaces, such as streets and highways. They include the selection of materials, design of the paving structure and the implementation of techniques to ensure a durable and safe surface.

The plans, specifications and technical aspects necessary for the construction and development of highways or roads are detailed. These projects provide precise guidelines for the effective execution of road infrastructure, ensuring compliance with specific regulations and standards during the construction process.


In construction

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We have presence in several parts of Mexico, mainly in:

  • Aguascalientes, Aguascalientes.
  • Colima, Colima.
  • Guadalajara, Jalisco.
  • Morelia, Michoacán.
  • León, Guanajuato.
  • Querétaro, Querétaro.
  • San Luis Potosí, San Luis Potosí.


C. E. O

Ing. José Alejandro Leyva Uribe

C. O. O.

Ing. Federico Diaz Acuña


Lic. Alberto Romero Tomás


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